Meet the Genius behind Fine Art Squirrels: Cherie of Happy Sloth!
Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on
Here's the scoop, right from Cherie: "I am based in Melbourne Australia, where I work in the local fashion industry as a graphic artist. I work for a children's clothing company at the moment. I design textile prints, and t-shirt prints, mostly. I was a fashion design major at university. I have an English cocker spaniel named Milo. Animals feature in most of my designs, I'm a big animal lover. My designs are very influenced by the Australian sense of humour - absurdism, irony, and dad jokes. Happy Sloth was started in 2018. I had been doing long hours at work, and I...
Pop-Up Shop: Fine Art Squirrels from Happy Sloth!
Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on

It all started when I first saw this image: You could have knocked me over with a feather! I mean—-look at that ingenuity and excellent pattern work! So I set out to find the kit because I just HAD to stitch it. But there WAS no kit, so I found the creator and struck up a conversation about possibly selling this as a kit. Lo and behold, it’s a SERIES!! So, in addition to “Squirrel With A Pearl Earring” (even the title gives me giggle fits) we are also offering kits for these: “Squirrel Gothic”, “Squirrel David” and “Squirrel Lisa” I’m FLOORED and feel...
Gift Tags & Gift Cards!
Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on
Last-minute prezzies? We got ya. Our gift cards are swell and go up to $500 in case you're feeling generous. Feel free to print and cut out these gift tags or send via email - let them know they're getting something that will make them smile! Don't forget to send us photos of their reaction upon unwrapping!
We're a New York Times Pick!
Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on
Subversive Cross Stitch, which makes the kit, is one of the more established modern cross-stitch companies, offering hundreds of PDF patterns as well as other kits. The designs tend toward the snarky and oftentimes sweary, so if you’ve been looking forward to stabbing something over and over to express a strongly held feeling, this is the online shop for you. It’s not every day (or ever, really) that I get a Google alert and lose all sense of time and space. This was a complete surprise: the author, Kase Wickman, bought the kit, stitched it all herself (and very well,...
Stitchin' in the Wilds of Alaska
Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on
Meet Subversive Stitcher Kendra! She works as the fish ticket clerk at a salmon processing plant on Bristol Bay. She arrives in early May and works until about August 1. They process sockeye salmon, mostly for the domestic market and by mid-July she’d helped process just over 5 million pounds; last year they did about 8 million, a record year bay-wide. Kendra says, “It is a crazy business, but I’m (mostly) glad to be part of this still thriving wild fishery!” Here are some photos of what it's like stitching out in the wilds of Alaska: My cabin—a 20’ container...