Custom and Commercial Work

I've had the honor of doing quite a bit of commercial and custom work. Here are a few things I've done--some for money, some just for the love of it.

If you have a custom request for a commercial project, please contact me via email and I'll do what I can to help!

Garden & Gun

Garden & Gun magazine
June/July 2016

DIY Network

free patterns developed for
DIY Network online

book cover

Series of embroidered tins
for blueQ


You Are Beautiful

Tiny kit and sticker design for
You Are Beautiful subscribers



Broad City design for
Bust magazine stitch-along


Shiner billboard

Billboard for Shiner beer. 
Full story here.

book cover for
Penguin Books


For Netflix social media:
Orange Is The New Black.


Cover design for Parade magazine, national
Cover of Parade magazine, national




logo for Thrillist

Custom gift for client;
for President of Penguin Books.

gift for Jeffrey Zeldman.


The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee
pattern for fundraiser.

gift for a friend
large portrait on linen.

Book cover stitched design. 

Kits created for noted.

noted kits in a group.

Sign for madewell event
at NYC store opening.

Pattern created for Royal Wedding.

Stitched for Sweet Ritual
ice cream parlor, Austin.

Collaboration with illustrator
Ray Fenwick.

Fenwick Beast glows in the dark!

available as a free PDF 

Gift for a meat-lovin' friend.

Keyboard Cat.

Shirt made for the book, Tease.


Holiday snowglobes.

Kits created for book release,
Let's Panic About Babies.

Custom kits for website.

Logo stitching for MaxFunCon.



Based on a friend's Facebook post.


Created for a TV series
Freddy Krueger quotes.

Created for a TV series
Freddy Krueger quotes.


Created for a TV series
Freddy Krueger quotes.

for The Daily Show
10th anniversary

for a gallery exhibition



Revamped vintage cross stitch.

Revamped vintage cross stitch.

Revamped vintage cross stitch.


Created for Thrillist promotion.

For launch of chocolate Altoids, NYC.

Collaboration with cartoonist
Natalie Dee.

Created for Emily The Strange website.

Created for Emily The Strange website.

Created for Emily The Strange website.

Gift for my former agent, Sarah Sockit.

prototype for Maker's Faire store.

From Flight of the Conchords.