I finally added a few things to the
Supplies shop, including this crazy
vintage needle case! I've had a dozen of them stashed away for years, meaning to share. Then I took a look at that image the other day and thought, My God, woman! "YOU WILL LEARN TO STITCH AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!" Okay, okay! We get the message, lady! Loosen your headband!
Anyway, there are two kinds of needle holders and magnets in limited quantity, but I also added things I get asked about a lot: black material, plastic hoops, my favorite metallic gold thread and thread nippers to name a few. Plus, our custom die-cut material stock has finally been replenished, so you can buy that separately for your own projects if you'd like.
Enjoy! Also, never hesitate to let me know if there's something you'd like to see in the Supplies shop that I haven't thought about!