If you're familiar with
Subversive Cross Stitch at all you know that we love to create and share free patterns whenever we can. We're big believers in encouraging everyone to slow down and make something and if our free patterns can be a gateway drug to more stitching in your life you know we're here for it. You can find every free cross stitch pattern we have ever created
right here. That's over 25 free patterns! Here's some of what you'll find there:

Sure the pandemic is starting to slow down and we're all coming out of our houses more now. But do we really need to? Seems like staying home may still be the best strategy and
this pattern feels timeless. Just relax and home and don't answer the door!

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was an icon and a legend and we're still not over the fact that she's gone. This
RBG cross stitch pattern pays tribute to this amazing woman who spent her lifetime fighting the good fight for all of us. A sweet reminder.

Another woman we tend to celebrate a lot around here is Amy Sedaris. If you haven't watched her latest show
At Home with Amy Sedaris what are you waiting for? She's a comedy genius and Ronnie Vino is one of our favorite characters on the show.
Here's a clip so you can see for yourself why we had to make a
Ronnie Vino cross stitch pattern. BONUS: Amy herself accepted our offer of the finished piece and it now resides in her home with her rabbits! You'll also find
free font patterns, an
optical illusion snake pattern, and as always some
fun snarky reminders. Go get 'em!