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I don't really have any words, the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is so huge. Download this free PDF, add your own border if you'd like. Sometimes meditative stitching is more healing than words. RIP.

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What do we want? CHANGE! How do we get it? VOTE! (that's one way, anyway) Vote EVERY election because change starts locally and becomes global. Two versions of this pattern are available as FREE PDFs, kits and kit/frame combos. UPDATE: Two new free versions of this pattern with ADDED F-BOMB for EMPHASIS! This is a take on an old political slogan in case you don't recognize the vague reference, which explains my word choice. In this global community, what we do in the US makes a difference in the world (just as what other countries do influences us). Just look...

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Free PDF: Optical Illusion Snake!

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This may not look like much, but check out what it does when placed on a turntable: This pattern is meant to be stitched, put on a piece of cardboard with a hole punched in the middle. Then, you just pop it on your turntable and GO! What you've got right there is one-a' them thar optical illusion snakes. Follow me into the depths of madness, will you? ;p I've had this project shelved many times because I actually stitched it so it went in the wrong direction (IMAGINE my disappointment!). Luckily, I've corrected the pattern for you and it's...

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Isolation Update: Free PDF!

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Are you ready for some serious fun? Here's how to put together our Isolation Update: No Pants kit, available as a free PDF, a Basic or Deluxe Kit and a Combo Kit with frame! The above kits come with everything you need so you don't have to leave the house (don't you DARE!). But if you're going to use the free PDF pattern, you will need the following supplies: Fabric, embroidery floss, needles, hoop at the very least. If you're trying to do this all free, you could probably use tape and not even frame it, but keep the extra...

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We're Shipping As Usual

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Even though things are far from normal right now, our job is to keep your spirits afloat as much as we can through the therapeutic pastime of cross stitch! We'll be offering more free PDF patterns, and we're shipping pretty quickly. We started self-isolating on March 9th because we're being extremely careful in hopes that we'll get to see my 95-year-old mom at some point. So don't worry about us spreading anything through packages (if that's even possible, I don't think it is). And please remember that we have a ton of stuff in our Supplies section--don't go to a...

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