Sorry I'm slow on the blogging thing... I promise to check in here more often and share what's going on. Mostly it's just freakin' HOT in Texas right now so that kind of limits your enthusiasm once the heat hits you in the face. I am filling orders, planning for the Christmas holidays already with an awesome collaboration, wondering if I should do Halloween patterns again this year and what you might like...getting some more die-cut material in because I've been out and there's a weird delay...trying to keep up with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram...writing down new pattern ideas for when I have more time. Y'know, the usual madness. Anyway, I love hearing your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, so feel free to email me or interact in social media and speak your mind. I will blog more, I swear, and maybe even bring over some of the most popular posts from the old blog. Those were good times! Hope your summer is going swimmingly well.