Meet Guest Contributor SonovaStitch!

Posted by Julie or Chris Jackson on

I was so impressed with this pattern of Peeking Jesus, I just had to reach out and learn more about the creator, Ford, of SonovaStitch.

Here's his story--and don't miss his PDF patterns in our shop! They're brilliant!


Hi there! I’m Wilford (he/him; most people call me Ford), the person behind SonovaStitch!

I started stitching in 2012 when one of my romantic partners introduced me to it by giving me a copy of the original Subversive Cross Stitch book. I became obsessed, and not long after I was creating my own patterns with graph paper and colored pencils. People online started asking to buy my patterns, and SonovaStitch was born in 2016. 

I quit my job in January 2020, planning to take a few months off and then find something new. The world had other plans. So I decided to commit myself full-time to SonovaStitch (which had up til then been a side hustle) and have a go at making a living on my creativity, since artists never starve. I’ve been surprised by the supportiveness and generosity of the modern cross stitching community, and I’m actually now making a (admittedly modest) living doing what I love! 

Some time ago, I made the conscious decision to only create patterns that I actually wanted to stitch myself, rather than trying to chase trends or do things I thought would be popular, and just trusted that there were enough weirdos out there just like me that they would eventually find me—and they have!

I live and work in Salt Lake City in a polyamorous household of five adults and one grown child, plus a dog, a cat, a bunny, and a parakeet. You can see the critters occasionally (and my stitching or patterns routinely) on my Instagram, Facebook, Patreon, or YouTube (which I host with the help of my parakeet, Nugget).

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