INBOX: From the Theatre!

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I get so many great emails, I'm going to start sharing some of them here, tagged INBOX. "I discovered you through an article on Yahoo makers. I had a blast going through your website. Then, I had an inspiration for a new project. I'm currently in rehearsals for a community theatre production of 'Les Miserables' and the 'Shut Your Whore Mouth' sampler was just the perfect thing for backstage. Especially since almost all the women in the troupe play whores sometime during the show. I changed the spacing and border and added the show title and year. I stitched it on perforated plastic so it could be nailed to the wall and the pearl-clutchers can't take it down. I was going to share it with your FB page, but since I feel like I stole it, I didn't want to promote that. Several cast members (all women) went nuts and now I find myself making 10 more (on Aida, not plastic) as gifts. Attached is a photo of the completed piece done for a castmate. My apologies and gratitude, Lance Lankford"

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